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  • Abrasion

    Attrition, wear are important terms when bulk solids are mixed or conveyed. Abrasion always occurs in the contact area when two bodies move relative to each other. In this process, the harder of the two bodies damages the surface of the softer solid. This form of abrasion is referred to as abrasion.

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  • Absolute pressure

    In the construction of apparatus for thermal and mechanical process engineering, system pressures play an important role. For example, process engineering apparatus has a maximum permissible overpressure due to its design.

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  • Absorption tendency

    The term absorption must be considered in connection with the term adsorption. Both processes describe the accumulation of a foreign substance on an adsorbent or absorbent. However, the difference is as follows:

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  • Adhesion

    In the bulk materials industry, the terms adhesion and cohesion describe the behaviour of particles.

    Adhesion refers to the forces of attraction between different materials. In the case of powders, adhesion influences how strongly the particles adhere to the surface of a mixer. High adhesion forces can lead to deposits in mixers. These deposits are sources of contamination and affect the purity of the mixed batch.

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  • Affinity

    In powder technology, affinity refers to the tendency of powder particles to interact with other substances such as liquids or gases. This property influences processes such as wetting, agglomeration and flowability of powders.

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  • Agglomeration

    In powder processing, agglomeration is defined as a process of accumulating fine material into cohesive units such as pellets or granules. In simple terms, powder agglomeration shifts fine, powdery particles to a coarser size range that facilitates handling and storage.

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  • Allergens and allergen management

    Allergens are substances that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Pollen from plants in the air can also be allergens. In the food and pharmaceutical industries, allergens include proteins and enzymes. In the chemical industry, allergens include certain plasticisers and metal compounds.

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  • Arnature; shut-off valve

    A shut-off valve is a technical component that opens or closes the flow of solids, liquids or gases in pipelines. It is crucial that the mechanical operation takes place outside of the medium to be controlled. This is what distinguishes it from a flap or door.

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  • Aseptic

    The word "aseptic" is derived from the term "sepsis". The organism of mammals and humans develops counter-reactions when blood poisoning is present. A severe counter-reaction is called sepsis. It can even destroy the body's own tissue and organs. The "a" at the beginning of the word symbolizes the opposite.

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  • Automatic wet cleaning

    The challenges are:

    • Safe cleaning.
    • Safe drying.
    • Minimal manpower.
    • Automated documentation.
    • Fastest possible release for production.
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    • Ball mixer

      Powdery bulk materials can be mixed in a spherical container. The sphere is usually installed in a fixed position. At least one mixing tool rotates in the sphere.

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    • CIP cleaning-in-place

      CIP (Cleaning In Place) is a process for the automated cleaning of process equipment. The definition and objective of CIP can be described as follows: Creating clean internal surfaces of a production unit without significantly changing the internal elements required for production. Depending on the water pressure during cleaning, a distinction is made between low-pressure cleaning (up to 3 bar), medium-pressure cleaning (up to 10 bar) and high-pressure cleaning (25-65 bar). The process is sometimes also referred to as "washing in place" (WIP).

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    • Coating

      The coating process for powder processing is based on the principle of particle agglomeration as a side operation of the powder mixing or fluid bed process. Interparticle adhesion effects of small particles can be particularly large. They result from Van der Vals forces and electromagnetic forces. If the particles are only a few nanometers in size, they can coat active ingredient particles particularly well. Coating attempts to enlarge the mixture particles in a shell-like manner. In short, coating processes optimize properties of a bulk material in terms of shelf life, optical appearance, solubility, dust binding, flow behavior, durability, chemical reaction and much more.

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    • Continuous mixer, flow through mixer, online mixer

      Flow mixer, continuous mixer, continual mixer for bulk materials:

      a) The mixing process takes place in static mixers in which the individual components flow into each other in free fall.

      b) Dynamically moving mixing tools mix and convey the components continuously.

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    • Dead space

      An area within a process engineering apparatus that is not reached during a process step.

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    • Dispersing and Deagglomerating of Powder

      Dispersing: Definition and importance of the process in mixing technology. A homogeneous dispersion is a bulk material in which the porosity is homogeneously distributed. If agglomerates are present, then they must be broken up until the primary particles are present.

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    • Docking station

      Docking stations for bulk material containers ensure low-dust filling and discharging.

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    • Drying vacuum Mixing drying

      Contact drying, convection drying, reaction control, stripping, separation of fluids under pressure-, vacuum excitation and temperature control

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    • Emulsification Emulsifying Emulsion

      If you pour a small amount of oil into a glass of water, it is not normally possible to mix the oil with the water. Oil is the lighter of the two liquids. After shaking, the oil bubbles rise from the water and settle as a layer of oil on top of the water.

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    • Fluidisation, Fluidise, loosening powder by air injection

      A powder is fluidised when all particles are surrounded by a gas. The powder particles no longer touch each other. The friction between them is eliminated. Fluidised powder behaves like a low-viscosity liquid. The smallest openings in the vessel (such as an incomplete weld seam, leaky fitting) lead to unwanted dust leakage. Fluidisation occurs more easily the smaller the particles are.

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    • Granulation, Granulators

      The correct term is ‘agglomeration’ or ‘agglomerate granulation’. The term granulation can also describe a comminution process, e.g. when a solid is comminuted into a collection of particles / granules. Please read our detailed glossary article ‘Agglomerating’ and our blog post on ‘Agglomerating’.

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    • Homogenization

      Homogenization/ blending/ mixing of bulk materials means the uniform distribution of particle size, moisture, color and temperature of an existing mixture or bulk material.

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    • Homogenizer

      Homogenizer or mixer?

      In solids process engineering, the terms "homogenizing, homogenizer" and "mixing, mixer" are used synonymously. This refers to the dispersion of one substance in another with the aim of achieving as uniform a distribution of all particles as possible. The result is a homogeneous powder mixture. Homogeneity is equated here with the ideal mixing quality of a homogeneous bulk material.

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    • Instantisation

      Instantising makes powdery substances quickly wettable, dispersible and soluble on contact with a liquid.

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    • Mixing


      Mixing is the distribution of one or more substances in another substance. The substances differ from each other in at least one property. The substances can be solid, liquid or gaseous.

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    • Particle size distribution

      The particle size distribution describes the size and number of particles. A dispersed solid system, a suspension or an emulsion can be considered. Sometimes it is also referred to as a grain size distribution. What is meant is the same thing, namely the particle size distribution.

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    • Pelletising

      Many compound feedstuffs are pressed into pellets. But also wood chips for furnaces and aggregates for steel smelting. Roller compactors press the bulk material through moulds. The bulk material produced in this way is dust-free, segregation-free and free-flowing.

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    • Powder Drying

      Powder drying removes liquid components from a bulk material. Liquids can adhere very firmly, especially if the powder particles have small pores. These are called capillaries. Capillary-bound liquid is evaporated by thermokinetics.

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    • Qualifying

      Consumer rights are generally monitored at national level. This is to ensure that only products that do not pose a risk are placed on the market.

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    • Roughness parameter

      In powder mixers, agglomerators, vacuum mixer dryers and synthesis reactors, the surface quality of the parts in contact with the product plays an important role.

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    • Segregation

      In the context of bulk solids, segregation means separation by gravity.

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    • SIP

      Sterilisation in Place: describes a cleaning technique for process engineering systems

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    • Suspending

      Mixing of solid particles in a liquid and keeping them in suspension there, e.g. by mechanical forces. A heterogeneous mixture that tends to phase separation.

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    • Vacuum Mixer

      This article on the subject of vacuum relates to mixers, vacuum mixers/dryers and synthesis reactors as used in plants in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

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    • Validation

      Validation provides documented proof that a process or system satisfies the specified requirements during practical application. To this end the devices used (e.g. mixers) have to be qualified in advance.

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