The history of amixon®

- New development Gyraton® mixer: Homogenize large batches economically and ecologically. Test series confirm that the Gyraton® mixer homogenizes large batch volumes with heterogeneous bulk materials ideally and precisely. The drive motor is extremely small in relation to the batch size.
- Introduction of the new brand: SpherHelics®. This is the brand of our new hollow sphere mixer.
- Summit meeting at amixon: Experts for powder technology and process engineering from Belgium and France visit. Joint further training and exchange of experience.
Test Center II
In the new pilot plant we have synthesis reactors with 200 liters useful capacity: temperature up to 350°C in vacuum and high pressure up to 25 bar overpressure
Commissioning of further automation systems
Green energy
Installation of large photovoltaic systems (approx. 450 kW) on the roofs
Generation change and continuous further development
2020 Generation change and continuous further development
Owner Stefan Ruberg sets the course for generational change and continuous further development. Two long-time team members take over managing director positions: Matthias Böning and Bernd Fraune

Mischertagung 2019 - "Mixer Conference 2019"
On September 18, 80 experts in bulk material processing met at the amixon GmbH headquarters in Paderborn. The day-long event included five presentations about market trends and technical topics concerning bulk material processing in the Chemicals, Food, Nutraceutical, and Pharmaceutical industries.

The 8th Annual Paderborner Mixing Technology Symposium
The two-day event was a unique chance to far-reaching industry trends, featuring presentations and discussions on topics such as handling, transport, packaging, storage, refining, and mixing. In addition to a tour of the amixon GmbH facilities, the Symposium featured a keynote address on the topic of powder process in life science industries.

15th Construction Phase
Construction began on two new halls
First automation systems are installed

2016 Completion of the 14th construction phase and implementation of a high-bay warehouse

The name and brand amixon® was created in 2003 in order to offer our international customers a name that can be pronounced well in many languages. amixon GmbH was established in Paderborn the same year. Today amixon® is a modern, worldwide established and protected brand.

The subsidiary Clever-Cut GmbH was established in the year 2000. Clever-Cut® cuts three-dimensional components with water compressed to 4,000 bar and with maximum precision. The components measure up to 3 m x 3 m x 6 m.

Relocation to our current company location in Halberstädter Straße, Mönkeloh industrial area.

Ruberg-Mischtechnik GmbH + Co. KG of Paderborn has been in existence since 1983 and manufactures mixers and process equipment in a wide range of industrial applications.