Occupational safety, explosion protection and tested safety in amixon GmbH's Pilot Center II
On the one hand, this involves dust-explosive dusts, and on the other, flammable solvents and their vapours. Both phenomena (hybrid mixtures) can also occur simultaneously in the test mixer/reactor.
The Technikum II of amixon® GmbH is used to gain knowledge by testing processes. Mixing tests, vacuum drying tests and/or synthesis reactions are carried out using your original products. All relevant process data is digitally recorded and documented. It is summarised and interpreted in the test report. The data obtained in this way is very valuable. The data forms the basis for the correct design and construction of a future process apparatus for your production. It also forms the basis for a cost calculation.
Every safety tip from our customers is welcome
Sometimes a potential danger arises from the test goods. Some of your liquids and dusts may be flammable or explosive;
- the liquids, due to their evaporation behaviour and flash point;
- the powders, due to their small particle size and low minimum ignition energy.
- If both occur together, they are referred to as hybrid mixtures.
With the construction of the pilot plant II, amixon® has implemented almost all safety measures to minimise the risks described above. In this respect, safe operation of the AMT 200, AMT 100 and VMT 200 pilot plant reactors is guaranteed. A key aspect here is the characterisation of the operating states as a function of pressure and an inertisation concept,
- if hybrid mixtures are present,
- if an explosive mixture of gas, vapour and air is present
- if particularly ignition-sensitive dust-air mixtures are present.
In this way, amixon® provides all customers with flexible process control and extensive testing options.
Safety instructions help to prevent accidents
Certificate for work safety in the pilot plant
Common safety discussion - before the trial takes place; complementary to the exchange of safety data sheets.
If hazardous substances are used in the pilot plant, amixon® needs additional Safety Instructions from the customer: "Fundamental safety knowledge from the daily handling of hazardous substances”.
If a trial with dangerous substances has to take place, then a joint safety meeting must have taken place beforehand.
Hazardous substances may only be sent to amixon® if a written approval has been granted by amixon GmbH.

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